Is it any wonder that so many Americans are repeatedly ill, sick and diseased? Ninety percent are satiated with foul poison body wastes due to lack of proper bowel evacuation.
Constipation is a problem of improper living habits and low mineral intake. Constipation is a condition of a prolonged retention of food residues in the bowels. These residues putrefy, ferment and create a poisonous condition in your system. Constipation exists if you do not naturally evacuate the bowels at least once in twenty-four hours. That’s rock bottom. More frequently is better.
Constipation is a problem of improper living habits and low mineral intake. Constipation is a condition of a prolonged retention of food residues in the bowels. These residues putrefy, ferment and create a poisonous condition in your system. Constipation exists if you do not naturally evacuate the bowels at least once in twenty-four hours. That’s rock bottom. More frequently is better.
There are over thirty intestinal poisons. If these poisons stay in your system, they enter your blood stream, and disease begins.
Constipation causes pale yellow or light brown skin color, nervous irritability, a coated tongue, bad breath, body odor, headaches, bloating, heaviness and loss of appetite. These are all symptoms of body-poisoning, toxemia and body pollution.
Your body needs liquids daily. Water is essential to digestion and putting food nutrients into solution for body absorption, as well as softening of the doo doo in the colon and in the elimination of body wastes through the kidneys, skin and lungs.
When a person is mineral-deficient because of poor water supply, the body absorbs water from the colon to supply its needs so that the doo doo becomes dry and hard resulting in constipation.
Check out the reasons for constipation: eating highly refined foods or lack of food, lack of bulk or fiber, lack of mineral-rich water intake between meals, improper chewing of food eaten quickly, emotional upsets like worry, grief, fear, stress and strain from business or social life, and failure to take a s**t when nature calls due to whatever.
Then, laxatives can cause constipation by developing a need for them. What’s worse is that laxatives are habit forming.
Constipation is the major cause of most diseases such as the impaired function of the liver, gall bladder, kidneys and other vital organs.
Bad breath is caused by constipation coming from the stomach and lungs, so all the mouthwashes in the world will fix that problem.
When the diet is not natural, the balance of the intestinal flora is disturbed. The result is sluggish bowels, gas, putrefaction and constipation, which eventually makes the body toxic, inviting disease.
Then the bloodstream absorbs these poisons and pollutes the whole system. But when the prolonged constipation eventually weakens the muscles of the large intestine, they will not be able to function properly.
If your bowels move only once a day, rest assured, you are constipated.
Fasting, enemas and eliminative diets of raw foods will effectively rebuild and restore the normal function of the intestinal organs and bring about good elimination.
So, here’s a do-it-yourself program to solve your no doo doo problem forever – the natural way.
Constipation is an insidious disease and is slowly killing you. Because on mankind’s misplaced belief in the medical profession, who give little or no input to constipation without prescribing drugs, most people are deprived of seventy-five percent of their vitality, joy of life and health, limping through life chronically fatigued.
Constipation causes pale yellow or light brown skin color, nervous irritability, a coated tongue, bad breath, body odor, headaches, bloating, heaviness and loss of appetite. These are all symptoms of body-poisoning, toxemia and body pollution.
Your body needs liquids daily. Water is essential to digestion and putting food nutrients into solution for body absorption, as well as softening of the doo doo in the colon and in the elimination of body wastes through the kidneys, skin and lungs.
When a person is mineral-deficient because of poor water supply, the body absorbs water from the colon to supply its needs so that the doo doo becomes dry and hard resulting in constipation.
Check out the reasons for constipation: eating highly refined foods or lack of food, lack of bulk or fiber, lack of mineral-rich water intake between meals, improper chewing of food eaten quickly, emotional upsets like worry, grief, fear, stress and strain from business or social life, and failure to take a s**t when nature calls due to whatever.
Then, laxatives can cause constipation by developing a need for them. What’s worse is that laxatives are habit forming.
Constipation is the major cause of most diseases such as the impaired function of the liver, gall bladder, kidneys and other vital organs.
Bad breath is caused by constipation coming from the stomach and lungs, so all the mouthwashes in the world will fix that problem.
When the diet is not natural, the balance of the intestinal flora is disturbed. The result is sluggish bowels, gas, putrefaction and constipation, which eventually makes the body toxic, inviting disease.
Then the bloodstream absorbs these poisons and pollutes the whole system. But when the prolonged constipation eventually weakens the muscles of the large intestine, they will not be able to function properly.
If your bowels move only once a day, rest assured, you are constipated.
Fasting, enemas and eliminative diets of raw foods will effectively rebuild and restore the normal function of the intestinal organs and bring about good elimination.
So, here’s a do-it-yourself program to solve your no doo doo problem forever – the natural way.
- Eat plenty of raw fruits and vegetables. Eat several pieces of any available raw fruit and a big bowl of fresh green vegetable salad every day. Oh yeah, make sure you chew your food well.
- Avoid constipating foods: flesh, white bread, processed cereals, refined carbohydrates like sugar, cakes, candies, ice cream, yadda, yadda, yadda.
- Eat soaked prunes (at least six) with your breakfast and drink the water it was soaked in. Add some wheat germ and bran to the prunes. Don’t cook the prunes. Just soak them overnight.
- Exercise: walk, swim, dance, play golf, or jog or whatever to raise your heartbeat. Physical inactivity is one of the main causes of constipation. Whatever you engage in, do it for at least one half an hour.
- Consume plenty of liquids like water, natural juices (unprocessed or cooked to death), broth, soups or whatever. Six to eight glasses a day.
- Never suppress nature’s call. Try immediately when you wake up and again before going to sleep to establish a pattern of bowel movements.
Constipation is an insidious disease and is slowly killing you. Because on mankind’s misplaced belief in the medical profession, who give little or no input to constipation without prescribing drugs, most people are deprived of seventy-five percent of their vitality, joy of life and health, limping through life chronically fatigued.