Whenever anyone talks about protecting our planet they always bring up two points. Cut emissions and develop clean alternative energy. Sounds great huh?
Unfortunately, those two alone will do squat. What will truly help our planet and protect our resources are the masses adopting a vegan diet. Consider these facts as depicted by John Robbins in his book, “The Food Revolution”.
Whenever anyone talks about protecting our planet they always bring up two points. Cut emissions and develop clean alternative energy. Sounds great huh?
Unfortunately, those two alone will do squat. What will truly help our planet and protect our resources are the masses adopting a vegan diet. Consider these facts as depicted by John Robbins in his book, “The Food Revolution”.
According to studies, it takes 5,214 gallons of water to produce four “quarter pounders”, 1,630 gallons to produce 1 lb of pork, and 815 gallons to produce 1 lb of chicken, whereas it only takes 23 gallons to produce 1lb of lettuce, tomatoes or potatoes.
Let me put it another way: if you shower each day for 7 minutes, using a shower with a flow rate of 2 gallons per minute, you are using 14 gallons of water a day (7 minutes x 2 gallons), or 98 gallons per week. Rounding that up to 100 gallons per week, in 52 weeks you would be using 5,200 gallons of water per year to take a daily shower.
Comparing 5,200gallons of water used by taking a 7-minute shower every day for a year, to the 5,214 gallons of water it takes to produce 1lb of beef, you can save more water by not eating those 4 “quarter-pounders” than you will by not showering for a year.
The calories of fossil fuel expended to produce 1 calorie of protein from flesh is 78, whereas the calories of fossil fuel to produce 1 calorie of protein from corn or wheat is 3. If the grain that is currently fed to animals to get them ready for consumption were made available to humans, there would be no grain shortages in the world.
The amount of greenhouse-warming carbon gas released by driving a typical American car, in one day, is about 6.5 lbs, whereas the amount released by clearing and burning enough rainforest to produce beef for one hamburger is roughly 165 lbs.
If the people of Indonesia ate as much beef per person as the people in the U.S., it would take only 3.5 years to clear Indonesia’s 280 million acres of forests and likewise with Costa Rica and its people, it would take a year.
There are more species of birds in one square mile of Amazon rainforest than exist in all of North America. Yet, the life forms destroyed in the production of each fast-food hamburger made from rainforest beef are 20-30 different plant species, 100 different insect species, and dozens of bird, mammal, and reptile species.
If 2.5 acres of land are used to produce wheat, corn, rice, potatoes or cabbage, 15 –23 people can be fed.
If that same 2,5 acres is used to produce beef or eggs, 1 person can be fed. To produce milk or chicken, 2 people can be fed.
If the subsidies to the flesh industry were taken away and the costs of clearing forests in India were included, the cost of one hamburger would be $200.00.
So, the next time you read an article or editorial about “saving the planet”, and none of the above is mentioned. You should realize that profits are being protected over the welfare of the people.
Do the math yourself and you will realize that it is not rocket science to know the road to travel is the vegan road. It’s destination? The health of the planet and it’s inhabitants.
Let me put it another way: if you shower each day for 7 minutes, using a shower with a flow rate of 2 gallons per minute, you are using 14 gallons of water a day (7 minutes x 2 gallons), or 98 gallons per week. Rounding that up to 100 gallons per week, in 52 weeks you would be using 5,200 gallons of water per year to take a daily shower.
Comparing 5,200gallons of water used by taking a 7-minute shower every day for a year, to the 5,214 gallons of water it takes to produce 1lb of beef, you can save more water by not eating those 4 “quarter-pounders” than you will by not showering for a year.
The calories of fossil fuel expended to produce 1 calorie of protein from flesh is 78, whereas the calories of fossil fuel to produce 1 calorie of protein from corn or wheat is 3. If the grain that is currently fed to animals to get them ready for consumption were made available to humans, there would be no grain shortages in the world.
The amount of greenhouse-warming carbon gas released by driving a typical American car, in one day, is about 6.5 lbs, whereas the amount released by clearing and burning enough rainforest to produce beef for one hamburger is roughly 165 lbs.
If the people of Indonesia ate as much beef per person as the people in the U.S., it would take only 3.5 years to clear Indonesia’s 280 million acres of forests and likewise with Costa Rica and its people, it would take a year.
There are more species of birds in one square mile of Amazon rainforest than exist in all of North America. Yet, the life forms destroyed in the production of each fast-food hamburger made from rainforest beef are 20-30 different plant species, 100 different insect species, and dozens of bird, mammal, and reptile species.
If 2.5 acres of land are used to produce wheat, corn, rice, potatoes or cabbage, 15 –23 people can be fed.
If that same 2,5 acres is used to produce beef or eggs, 1 person can be fed. To produce milk or chicken, 2 people can be fed.
If the subsidies to the flesh industry were taken away and the costs of clearing forests in India were included, the cost of one hamburger would be $200.00.
So, the next time you read an article or editorial about “saving the planet”, and none of the above is mentioned. You should realize that profits are being protected over the welfare of the people.
Do the math yourself and you will realize that it is not rocket science to know the road to travel is the vegan road. It’s destination? The health of the planet and it’s inhabitants.