When you have a digestive problem and you go to a doctor, his advice usually sounds like a duck going “quack”, “quack”, “quack”. Not to degrade him but he is trained to have you take a pill or have surgery.
When you have a digestive problem and you go to a doctor, his advice usually sounds like a duck going “quack”, “quack”, “quack”. Not to degrade him but he is trained to have you take a pill or have surgery.
Maybe it’s time for you to understand about the bacterial balance of your intestinal system and understand and respect the balance of your gut flora. Ignoring this knowledge will be the main reason you cannot digest foods properly.
Alkalinity is the good guy and acidity is the bad guy. In other words, your saliva is alkaline. When you eat plant-based foods, which are alkaline, the two alkalinity factors embrace each other and the foods break down easily to the degree that you are almost drinking your food.
When you eat the muscle of a creature, which is acidic, your saliva alkalinity and the muscle’s acidity bang heads. You can chew until the cows come home but after you suck out all the spices and flavors and blood, you have to swallow that muscle.
Plant-based foods leave the body in 3 days. Flesh-based foods leave the body in 7 days.
Knowing that anything that had a face or a mother is fed growth hormones, antibiotic drugs, color enhancers, stink reducers, GMOs, the remains of the dead, dying, diseased and decaying creatures that cannot be sold to make a profit and carbon monoxide to increase their shelf-life for up to 3 weeks, where do all those poisons go if they remain in your body for 7 days? And you wonder why you get sick or have IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), constipation, arthritis, heart disease, erectile dysfunction, and get cancer? And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
The ideal ratio for gut bacteria is 85 percent good to 15 percent bad. The good guys are absorbing starches, fibers and natural sugars that come from fruits. The bad guys are absorbing anything that had a face or a mother.
Dead foods or pesticide foods like GMOs put the liver’s responsibility on the pancreas by burdening it with toxins causing deficiencies in magnesium and essential enzymes.
If you experience stress, there’s a good chance that you have depleted your vitamins and minerals completely.
That being said, there are several digestion destroyers that you need to eliminate from your diet altogether.
If your stomach aches after big meals you are on the road to IBS, Crohn’s disease, ulcers, and inflammation leading you down the road to health deterioration.
Did you know that diverticulitis is an inflammatory disease of the colon caused by infection and lack of fiber, which is absent in all flesh foods? There is absolutely no fiber whatsoever in a burger served on gluten-loaded bread and with French fries and soda.
18,000,000, yes eighteen million, Americans have an internal rotting food problem and they can’t figure it out. And, the “quack, quack, quackers” that are trained in dispensing drugs or surgery can’t figure it out either.
If your bread is “fortified” by Monsanto, Cargill or Bayer, Lord help you.
Gluten is food glue that contains processed crapola that is carcinogenic (cancer-causing).
Do not live your life invaded daily by pathogens and cancer-causing free radicals that are perpetually stuck in your gut and digestive tract.
Fast Food Flesh
Why is fast food flesh so cheap? Because the CAFOs (confined animal feeding operations) confine the animals in as little space as possible and feed them GMO food not meant for any animal to consume.
Not only that but the animals live in their own manure and urine all day and night and they get bulked up with steroidal hormones that cause cancer tumors in humans. It makes one wonder how the human stomach can even deal with this? And people wonder why the get polyps!
When the slaughtered creatures get to the processing, meat packing and blood draining areas of those plants they get inundated with ammonia and other bio-hazardous chemicals, which have debilitating effects on the bacteria balance in the human gut.
When you eat “meat glue” you open the door to all sorts of nightmares. Meat glue or transglutaminase is the smaller craps of meat that are “glued” together to make a small chunk of flesh larger. Basically, it makes little flesh pieces of meat and fish look like appetizing steak or appealing fish and there are no regulations on usage in the good ol’ U S of A.
Artificial Sweeteners
Splenda, Equal, Sweet-n-low or Aspartame are the essentials of “crapola”. They are nothing more than the sprinkling of dead vitamins on top of synthetic, lab-made slow death! Aspartame is the worst of the worst that was rejected by the FDA endlessly until Donald Rumsfeld called in his favors and got it accepted so he could retire and make a fortune.
Aspartame is so good that tests that were done on lab mice revealed it caused holes in their brains. Oh yeah, you don’t lose weight with artificial sweeteners. You gain weight!
While these fake sugars say they are a healthy sugar alternative, they actually tear up your gut and ruin your cleansing organs.
Splenda come from chlorine. So, if you are consuming this chlorocarbon and wonder why you have fibromyalgia or Crohn’s Disease, think again!
What’s the big deal about damaging your nervous system, immune system, bodily organs, the micoflora balance in the intestines and the glandular systems? Hey, just go see the “quacker” and take a pill!
Stress sucks. It’s brought about be tough situations, lower sense gratification, and what you eat.
Your ability to balance your gut flora, absorb nutrients and turn on enzymes is assisted or crippled by what you eat or drink or put on your skin.
No single organ in the body is immune to the effects of stress. Even hair loss, premature balding, eczema, psoriasis, heat flashes, gastritis, colitis, IBS, hypertension, spasms, is often linked to excessive stress.
If you go 100% organic in fruits, vegetables and grains, your stress related hypertension will go bye bye. And while you’re at it, check into organic probiotics and enzymes and think about turning your acidity into alkalinity.
Hydrogenated Oils
First and foremost, stay away from junk foods, processed sugars, artificial sweeteners, and fluoridated water, for openers.
All those gummy oils will make your blood, thicker, inhibit the blood flow, and can build up arterial plaque. Hello arthritis, stroke, heart disease and erectile dysfunction.
Hydrogenated oils are often healthy in their natural state, but are quickly turned into poisons through the processing and manufacturing they go through.
They take naturally healthy oils like palm, soybean and corn and heat them anywhere for five hundred degrees to one thousand degrees. Then they inject a catalyst, like nickel, platinum or aluminum, into the oil for several hours. As it bubbles up into the oil, the molecular structure increases in density, creating partially hydrogenated or fully hydrogenated oils.
The molecules in this new product are now close to cellulose or plastic than to oil. Eat that and your heart has to work much harder to pump blood throughout the system. Hello high blood pressure!
Oh yeah, Stay away from high fructose corn syrup and Canola Oil. ALL Canola Oil is the worst. It comes form hexane, which was always used as an industrial solvent. If you go into a natural food store and see ANY Canola Oil on the shelf, know that the people running the store are either clueless or hipocrits.
There is only one essential mineral that can fully accomplish a detoxification process. It is the mineral SULFUR (not to confused with the sulfur that comes from active volcanos).
In the 1930’s the Rockefellers convinced the farmers that if they switched to petro-chemical fertilizers instead of shoveling manure, which was rich in sulfur, they could speed up their farming process and make more money.
What they didn’t tell them was that the petro-chemical fertilizers would kill all the sulfur in the soil and everyone would start getting sick. That’s when they started selling their pharmaceuticals.
To learn more about the healing benefits of organic sulfur crystals please visit www.healthtalkhawaii.com and click on Products.
Your health is in your hands and yours alone. Doing this exempts you from being dependent upon the pharmaceutical/medical cartel just to treat a symptom and never effect a cure.
“A Sane Diet For An Insane Word” by Hesh Goldstein (www.asanediet.com)
“Food Forensics” by Mike Adams (www.naturalnews.com)
Maybe it’s time for you to understand about the bacterial balance of your intestinal system and understand and respect the balance of your gut flora. Ignoring this knowledge will be the main reason you cannot digest foods properly.
Alkalinity is the good guy and acidity is the bad guy. In other words, your saliva is alkaline. When you eat plant-based foods, which are alkaline, the two alkalinity factors embrace each other and the foods break down easily to the degree that you are almost drinking your food.
When you eat the muscle of a creature, which is acidic, your saliva alkalinity and the muscle’s acidity bang heads. You can chew until the cows come home but after you suck out all the spices and flavors and blood, you have to swallow that muscle.
Plant-based foods leave the body in 3 days. Flesh-based foods leave the body in 7 days.
Knowing that anything that had a face or a mother is fed growth hormones, antibiotic drugs, color enhancers, stink reducers, GMOs, the remains of the dead, dying, diseased and decaying creatures that cannot be sold to make a profit and carbon monoxide to increase their shelf-life for up to 3 weeks, where do all those poisons go if they remain in your body for 7 days? And you wonder why you get sick or have IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), constipation, arthritis, heart disease, erectile dysfunction, and get cancer? And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
The ideal ratio for gut bacteria is 85 percent good to 15 percent bad. The good guys are absorbing starches, fibers and natural sugars that come from fruits. The bad guys are absorbing anything that had a face or a mother.
Dead foods or pesticide foods like GMOs put the liver’s responsibility on the pancreas by burdening it with toxins causing deficiencies in magnesium and essential enzymes.
If you experience stress, there’s a good chance that you have depleted your vitamins and minerals completely.
That being said, there are several digestion destroyers that you need to eliminate from your diet altogether.
If your stomach aches after big meals you are on the road to IBS, Crohn’s disease, ulcers, and inflammation leading you down the road to health deterioration.
Did you know that diverticulitis is an inflammatory disease of the colon caused by infection and lack of fiber, which is absent in all flesh foods? There is absolutely no fiber whatsoever in a burger served on gluten-loaded bread and with French fries and soda.
18,000,000, yes eighteen million, Americans have an internal rotting food problem and they can’t figure it out. And, the “quack, quack, quackers” that are trained in dispensing drugs or surgery can’t figure it out either.
If your bread is “fortified” by Monsanto, Cargill or Bayer, Lord help you.
Gluten is food glue that contains processed crapola that is carcinogenic (cancer-causing).
Do not live your life invaded daily by pathogens and cancer-causing free radicals that are perpetually stuck in your gut and digestive tract.
Fast Food Flesh
Why is fast food flesh so cheap? Because the CAFOs (confined animal feeding operations) confine the animals in as little space as possible and feed them GMO food not meant for any animal to consume.
Not only that but the animals live in their own manure and urine all day and night and they get bulked up with steroidal hormones that cause cancer tumors in humans. It makes one wonder how the human stomach can even deal with this? And people wonder why the get polyps!
When the slaughtered creatures get to the processing, meat packing and blood draining areas of those plants they get inundated with ammonia and other bio-hazardous chemicals, which have debilitating effects on the bacteria balance in the human gut.
When you eat “meat glue” you open the door to all sorts of nightmares. Meat glue or transglutaminase is the smaller craps of meat that are “glued” together to make a small chunk of flesh larger. Basically, it makes little flesh pieces of meat and fish look like appetizing steak or appealing fish and there are no regulations on usage in the good ol’ U S of A.
Artificial Sweeteners
Splenda, Equal, Sweet-n-low or Aspartame are the essentials of “crapola”. They are nothing more than the sprinkling of dead vitamins on top of synthetic, lab-made slow death! Aspartame is the worst of the worst that was rejected by the FDA endlessly until Donald Rumsfeld called in his favors and got it accepted so he could retire and make a fortune.
Aspartame is so good that tests that were done on lab mice revealed it caused holes in their brains. Oh yeah, you don’t lose weight with artificial sweeteners. You gain weight!
While these fake sugars say they are a healthy sugar alternative, they actually tear up your gut and ruin your cleansing organs.
Splenda come from chlorine. So, if you are consuming this chlorocarbon and wonder why you have fibromyalgia or Crohn’s Disease, think again!
What’s the big deal about damaging your nervous system, immune system, bodily organs, the micoflora balance in the intestines and the glandular systems? Hey, just go see the “quacker” and take a pill!
Stress sucks. It’s brought about be tough situations, lower sense gratification, and what you eat.
Your ability to balance your gut flora, absorb nutrients and turn on enzymes is assisted or crippled by what you eat or drink or put on your skin.
No single organ in the body is immune to the effects of stress. Even hair loss, premature balding, eczema, psoriasis, heat flashes, gastritis, colitis, IBS, hypertension, spasms, is often linked to excessive stress.
If you go 100% organic in fruits, vegetables and grains, your stress related hypertension will go bye bye. And while you’re at it, check into organic probiotics and enzymes and think about turning your acidity into alkalinity.
Hydrogenated Oils
First and foremost, stay away from junk foods, processed sugars, artificial sweeteners, and fluoridated water, for openers.
All those gummy oils will make your blood, thicker, inhibit the blood flow, and can build up arterial plaque. Hello arthritis, stroke, heart disease and erectile dysfunction.
Hydrogenated oils are often healthy in their natural state, but are quickly turned into poisons through the processing and manufacturing they go through.
They take naturally healthy oils like palm, soybean and corn and heat them anywhere for five hundred degrees to one thousand degrees. Then they inject a catalyst, like nickel, platinum or aluminum, into the oil for several hours. As it bubbles up into the oil, the molecular structure increases in density, creating partially hydrogenated or fully hydrogenated oils.
The molecules in this new product are now close to cellulose or plastic than to oil. Eat that and your heart has to work much harder to pump blood throughout the system. Hello high blood pressure!
Oh yeah, Stay away from high fructose corn syrup and Canola Oil. ALL Canola Oil is the worst. It comes form hexane, which was always used as an industrial solvent. If you go into a natural food store and see ANY Canola Oil on the shelf, know that the people running the store are either clueless or hipocrits.
There is only one essential mineral that can fully accomplish a detoxification process. It is the mineral SULFUR (not to confused with the sulfur that comes from active volcanos).
In the 1930’s the Rockefellers convinced the farmers that if they switched to petro-chemical fertilizers instead of shoveling manure, which was rich in sulfur, they could speed up their farming process and make more money.
What they didn’t tell them was that the petro-chemical fertilizers would kill all the sulfur in the soil and everyone would start getting sick. That’s when they started selling their pharmaceuticals.
To learn more about the healing benefits of organic sulfur crystals please visit www.healthtalkhawaii.com and click on Products.
Your health is in your hands and yours alone. Doing this exempts you from being dependent upon the pharmaceutical/medical cartel just to treat a symptom and never effect a cure.
“A Sane Diet For An Insane Word” by Hesh Goldstein (www.asanediet.com)
“Food Forensics” by Mike Adams (www.naturalnews.com)