Politicians are no different than other materialists in that their intelligence is lost due to the fact that they are unable to make clear decisions on any matter, large or small.
To administer a city, state or country, a person needs to always have a clear head. So, if his or her intelligence is lost, how can he or she be considered qualified to make decisions which will affect all the people of the city, state, country or world?
Politicians are no different than other materialists in that their intelligence is lost due to the fact that they are unable to make clear decisions on any matter, large or small.
To administer a city, state or country, a person needs to always have a clear head. So, if his or her intelligence is lost, how can he or she be considered qualified to make decisions which will affect all the people of the city, state, country or world?
We all are aware when we read or hear about their plans, tricks, conniving and mistakes, which is evidence of their stupidity. Unfortunately, their ignorance is more common than the common cold and it is worse in two respects: (1) It never seems to go away and (2) it makes them totally ineffective in carrying out their responsibilities of leading, guiding and protecting the people.
Then why should we expect one who has an animal-like consciousness to make clear decisions? The animal thinks only of food, sex, sleeping and defending itself. When a human being has the same traits and is human in appearance, should we be surprised when he or she acts like an animal and is not capable of making intelligent decisions?
Being materialistic, the politician always takes shelter in material energy becoming a slave of lust and their senses. If lust is untrustworthy, how can the slave of lust ever be trusted? It’s that lust that causes a politician to become subject to bribery by those that are in control of sense objects, power and money.
Being out of control of him or herself, the pleasure of sense gratification drags the politician everywhere. Since being undisciplined, the politician becomes a useless leader. When asked why they smoke and drink when they know it’s bad for them, the reply is usually, “I Know, but it’s a small fault of mine and I can’t help it”.
Because of possessing deep inner frustrations, equating to anger, how can an alleged “leader” afford to lose his or her intelligence even momentarily? A leader who is capable of stopping wars, determining social values and saving economies get away with saying, “I’m sorry, I was a little angry yesterday”. If politicians can’t be peaceful within themselves, how can they help others obtain peace within themselves?
Years ago there was an article posted in the L.A Times that said that the highest rate of alcoholism in the U.S. was in Washington, D.C. and the area most affected was Georgetown. Guess what? Georgetown was the area where the congressmen and senators primarily live.
For all of us, the goal of life is spiritual realization, even though the majority of the population is clueless to this. Instead of the politician using his or her influence to bring about social conditions which are conducive for spiritual and moral development, as well as material development, the politician considers material development sufficient.
Thinking it to be the only necessity for social and individual happiness, they only see Economic Development as “progress”. So, they set up an environment which is far from restive, peaceful, contemplative or healthful and the people affected by the unnatural environment become further alienated from simple living and high thinking and further alienated from Mother Nature and our Heavenly Father.
The result: the more frustrated, angry, and bewildered the people become they are easily led to the “progress” march to a hellish existence.
Being self-centered, the politicians puts the sense gratification of themselves and his or her family, his or her race and his or her nation first. Being his or her first consideration and continually campaigning for office they are still afraid of losing their job. their power, their status and their wealth. And, how do they spend most of their time? Political maneuvering, party politics, seeking money and support, and is only motivated by “political” considerations.
Their other wonderful attributes are being takers and not givers, being untrustworthy and unloving (unless they have someone on the side), enamored by glitter, glamor, prestige and power.
So, what’s the solution in overcoming ignorance of who they really are and understanding the true goal of life? Education! Learning who we really are, the eternal spirit soul and not the temporary material body, and who do we try to please first. That not being us.
If the politician comes to learn we are not our bodies and develops true spiritual knowledge of God coming first and develops the vision to see others as spirit souls as well, their personal problems of lust, anger, greed, etc. will be dissipated and they will become truly suitable leaders and way far from being lolo.
Bhagavad-Gita As-it-is
Nector of Devotion